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[E] jayjay0101
[E] jayjay0101
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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i understand Lomanic i will not do it again. i am sencerly thankful for your understanding see u january 1st
over 13 years ago
my book:When life knocks you down get back up and knock life down.
over 13 years ago
mountainman right before u went on vaca u were a cop in good springs u told people to go KILL each other in goodsprings .. is that not bad in your world! AND AGAIN WHEN LIFE KNOCKS U DOWN GET BACK UP AND KNOCK LIFE DOWN!
over 13 years ago
wow... zionia u unbanned him like that! u toke pitty i strongly agree
over 13 years ago
jayjay0101 12/30/2011 it never told me who banned me it says i stole from a person named t3. i dont know anyone named t3 so why would it say that? if i never knew a person how could i have stole from them? i think someone is trying to frame me. please help me! i really loved minetown. i told my friends about it and they are expecting me to meet them now i cant cause of this t3 guy i dont know.There is a person named jayxjay somethig he has a very samaliar name to mine i think it was a misunderstanding.
over 13 years ago